
PROFILE REQUEST FORM (Click Here to Return to Make Money Page!)

Thanks f13tch!

Yes, I would love to have a profile page on The Fetish!

Please fill out the following form and tell me a bit about yourself below:

Please describe Yourself as You would for our fellow fetish advocates, your potential fans and Goddess worshippers:
Website/s you‘d like to promote:
Talents & Specialty:
Fetishes or Kinks you advocate:
Share Your Personal Philosophy on Sexuality & Fetishism:
Q: What is the best way for me to contact you?
Q: How can The Fetish Advocate serve you?

In terms of internet experience and knowledge where do you stand?
Do you have any ideas of how we can improve our networking experience together?
Any comments, questions, or constructive criticisms for The Fetish Advocate? All feedback is beneficial so please don’t hold back.

AFFILIATE via The Fetish Advocate:

By signing up to many of the sites below through my links you have joined my affiliate down line.
This means, that when You’re customers make purchases using your links we will both be rewarded.

Once you have completed your registration and confirmed your sign up you will be able to recruit others as I am recruiting you.

Below is where you should place the HTML codes with your affiliate links. Send this entire form to my Myspace email. I will place your affiliate codes on you’re Fetish Advocate Profile page.
Thank f13tch, I have signed up to the following sites and would like to have them added to my personal profile page! [Your Affiliate Link]

[Place HTML Code Here] [Your Affiliate Link]

[Place HTML Code Here]
Alert [Your Affiliate Link]

[Place HTML Code Here] [Your Affiliate Link]

[Place HTML Code Here] [Your Affiliate Link]

[Place HTML Code Here]
Clip Stores:

I signed up for the following clipstores:
Clis4sale: [Your Store Link] [Your Store Link]
If you need further assistance contact me on Myspace and we will set up further arrangements!

Ok, you should be done! To send this form to The Fetish Advocate simply copy the entire text and paste it into your Myspace email. You may want to copy and paste and save this to a word processor or notepad first.

Fill in your details where they apply, and send it to me via Myspace email.
If you do not have a Myspace account please get one. This is the only way I will communicate for right now.

I will not subject myself to receiving viruses in my email, so this is a precaution for my own safety. If you already have a Myspace account you can find my profile at

Add me then once I have accepted your Add please email your profile request form. As Myspace friends I will be able to send and receive information and updates from you on a regular basis.

Thanks for your time and I look forward to working with you.

The Fetish Advocate

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